> There are two parts to ExpressPCB, our free electronics design software and our low cost printed circuit board manufacturing service.
Download ExpressPCB
> Start by downloading our free CAD software. It includes ExpressSCH for drawing schematics and ExpressPCB
for circuit board layout. The software is easily installed, and a snap
to learn and use. Both run with Windows XP through Windows 7.
(Should you choose not to keep our software on your system, simply uninstall it using Add or Remove Programs found in your computer's Control Panel.)
Draw a Schematic
We recommend that you begin your project by drawing a schematic. While
not required, it will save you time when designing your PCB.
Drawing a schematic with the ExpressSCH program is as easy as placing the components on the page and wiring the pins together.
The schematic can then be linked to your PCB
file, so that the PCB knows what needs to be connected together.
> Designing 2 or 4 layer boards using the ExpressPCB
program is very simple. Start by inserting the component footprints,
then drag them into position. Next, connect the pins by drawing the
If you link your schematic file to the PCB, the ExpressPCB program will highlight the pins that should be wired together in blue.
> Now the fun part. You order your PC boards directly from the ExpressPCB layout program. Here is how:
Run ExpressPCB and select Order Boards Via The Internet from the Layout menu.
In the order form fill in your name, address, email address and the quantity of boards you need.
To pay for the boards, we bill your credit card the exact amount shown by the Compute Boards Costs command. But don't worry, we encrypt your credit card number, along with the entire order before it is sent over the Internet.
Press the Place Order button to submit your order. It is sent directly to the ExpressPCB server.